The Lunatic is Back
You may be aware of a company that produces a popular line of books and expensive dolls, known as American Girl. They have a new program out called "I Can". For Every dollar wristband you buy, American Girl will donate 70 cents to Girls, Inc, in addition to $50,000.
This is what your money will buy you:
Girls Incorporated affirms that girls and young women should make responsible decisions about sexuality, pregnancy and parenthood.
We recognize the right of all women to choose whether, when, and under what circumstances to bear children. Reproductive freedom and responsibility are essential to other rights and opportunities, including pursuit of education, employment, financial security and a stable and fulfilling family life. Restrictions of reproductive choice are especially burdensome for young women and poor women. Girls Incorporated supports a woman's freedom of choice, a constitutional right established by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 in Roe vs. Wade.
And what type of girl is served by Girls Inc:
- Girls range evenly between the ages of 6 and 18 across all of our programs
- More than 85% are girls of color
- About 65% live with a single parent
- Almost 70% come from a family with an annual income of less than $30,000
One of my colleagues phoned the Girls Inc headquarters. Here is the gist of her conversation:
I asked what they include in the discussion about about birth control or abortion. They said they give facts about it as an option.
I asked whether all the facts are presented... about possible emotional distress resulting from a regretted abortion, health problems resulting from abortion, development of the baby, the baby's ability to feel pain... that some babys are born alive and allowed to die alone to be thrown in trash cans, That women who have abortions have an increased risk of miscarriage later on, or inability to have children? Are they presented with alternatives to abortion such as adoption, aid from local services etc.?
"No mam, only the facts are presented. We don't talk about all those negative things, we are trying to give girls information to help them make good decisions for their future."
So you don't discuss the health problems that can result from hormonal birth control and abortion "no mam."
And you don't discuss the development of a baby and his or her ability to feel pain during an abortion (she was a little more annoyed here, but, to her credit, still very polite) "No, mam, we agree with the Supreme Court's decision regarding RoeV. Wade for a woman's productive rights."
So you don't give a young woman alternatives to help her decide to keep her baby if she wants to. "No mam, again we are trying to help girls have a better future here, that is our goal."
Sounds like they've already decided which "choice" these girls are going to make, so there really isn't much "choice" there, is there?
Well American Girl has aligned themselves with the culture of death. And until they choose to end this alliance, I choose not to patronize American Girl.
FYI, you may have heard about this in Ashli Tofler's blog. It was I who tipped off Ashli.
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