You Can't Make This Shit Up
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The Random Ramblings of a Loyal Papist.
Hi. Our plans are to go to Janice on Christmas EVE.. and I ALWAYS go to my Moms house every Christmas day with my family. The family is welcome to come over the 26th .. I do need to work the week before Christmas and my schedule is hectic before any holiday.Since the 26th is on a Sunday, we will be home. That is our plan....
I confess, I too have never read The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Dear Mrs X,
I understand that you clarified to the class that they may use the restroom as need be, and you also talked to my daughter separatley. However, thelil'lunatic will not tell me what was said, only that "You'll send another e-mail and I'll get into even more trouble." Naturally I'm very concerned about this and hope that we can get to the bottom of this.
Mrs. Lunatic
The moment the evangelicals admit that the bible is not the inerrant truth and infallable is the moment they have no way of sticking their head in the sands and refusing to hear our stories of how the earth is not flat and that we all evolved from primates. It is the moment that doubt enters their minds.
If you think the inerrantists are nuts[*] you'll just love the "King James Only" crowd. Ayup - there are people who honestly believe that the King James bible is the sole true scripture. I shit you not.
If the Pope says the bible isn't exactly true, the bible isn't exactly true.
The woman who purposely destroys her unborn child is guilty of murder. With us there is no nice enquiry as to its being formed or unformed. In this case it is not only the being about to be born who is vindicated, but the woman in her attack upon herself; because in most cases women who make such attempts die. The destruction of the embryo is an additional crime, a second murder, at all events if we regard it as done with intent. The punishment, however, of these women should not be for life, but for the term of ten years. And let their treatment depend not on mere lapse of time, but on the character of their repentance.
St Basil, 188 AD
First of all, the Catholic Church does believe that the Bible is inerrant. However, if all we needed was the Bible, and we were all able to interpret it properly all by ourselves, there wouldn't be 30,000 different Protestant sects out there, all using the Bible as their guide. And part of the authority of the Church Magisterium is the authority to coerrectly interpret the Bible. Hell-they compiled the New Testement. They look at Tradition and the writings of the early church fathers to understand how the earliest Christians understood something, which is how we understand it.