Thursday, September 22, 2005

Why Some People Like the Old Mass

Yes, some people are under the impresion that the Latin language is somehow sacred. It's a "holy tongue".

People think that the old mass is more reverent. God centered vs. people centered.
  • The priest is facing the tabernacle, leading the people in prayer, rather than performing for the crowd.
  • They think you don't find all the abuses that you find in the Novus Ordo:
  • Liturgical Dance
  • Crappy music. The greatest piece of western music ever composed was the mass setting by Beethoven, so why are we subjected to Owen Alstot.
  • Life-Teen
  • tongue speaking
Last night, I had an epiphany about these people. The pope is not CEO and the bishop a district manager. The bishop runs his diocese. Their are certain constraints in Canon Law and the GIRM, so he doesn't have total freedom, but he has alot. The pope cannot come to, say, Cleveland, without being invited by Bishop Pilla. Until 1908, the United States was mission territory. The bishops in the US didn't have as much freedom. They took marching orders from the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. So even, though it's been almost 100 years, certain people haven't adjusted to the fact that the bishops are independent. That every bishop doesn't have to run his own diocese like the Bishop of Rome runs his.