Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Go, George, Go!!

Am I the only one whose rooting for Chicken George. He and Janelle in the final two. I hate Mike Boogers. And I can't stand Dr. Will's smirk. I am a bit concerned that Janelle may be taken in with Will's showmance in her. I don't think to the degree that Erica is with boogers. I mean, he won't even make a commitment to bring you to the final two.

I'm totally pissed that I'm missing Thursday's show due to a social commitment. It's going to be eviction, HOH comp, noms, POV comp, Veto ceremony, and another eviction. Although the houseguests don't know it. I hope we don't get stupid noms.

Meanwhile, tonite, we get the premiere of Bones and the premiere of Justice. I may give Justice a chance because it has SpyDaddy.

I' m just not excited about TV this year, other than Veronica Mars. I'm on the queue at the library for Season 2 Lost. I missed it last year to watch Veronica Mars, so I want to catch up incase I want to watch Lost this year. Otherwise, I'll be totally Lost.

Ordinary Time

Well, since Christmas is way over, I guess I should remove the cute little picture from my sidebar. I guess I'll eventually be successful with that.

edited to add: Woo-hoo. I did it. (I really hate fucking around in the template, cause I usually end up really fucked up, but I accomplished it this time!)

Movies, Movies, Movies!!!

My almost 3 year old son is a real Madagascar fan. It's noon and we've already watched it four times today. And I have to say, the movie is twisted. The animals are wandering through the rainforest to the tune of Louis Armstrong's It's a Wonderful World. During this segment, we get to see a hummingbird swallowed by a carnivorous flower. Some cute fluffy animal escape from a constrictor snake, only to be carried off by a bird of prey. The animals then rescue a cute little duckling that crosses their path and return him to the pond, only to see a giant alligator leap from the water and munch him in one bite.

I think the moral of the movie is nature sucks. Don't romanticize wild, wide open spaces because they're dangerous. Civilization is much cooler.

It's sort of like the message I got from The Hills Have Eyes. Stick to the main routes and don't go off exploring on any scenic detours. You only end up stranded and/or murdered by the locals.

All my husband got out of it was that nuclear testing is bad. Poor man can't get below the surface. He read Slaughterhouse Five as a sci-fi novel.